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Our minigame server is ONLINE
Reputation: 58
Posts: 232
We've got a minigame server. :P
It is running a timer plugin for the course maps.
Store plugin will be added soon, and we'll also look into GameME once we've gained popularity.

Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Weh no Su
Reputation: 221
Posts: 569
Let's hope it stays online longer this time.
Reputation: 58
Posts: 232
Quote (Tesla)
Let's hope it stays online longer this time.
Yeah... Well... It can't just be me who cares for the MG server anymore, then.
I tried my best populating the previous fun and minigame servers on my own but no one but me gave half a shit about it so it went nowhere. That has to change. :/
Expert weirdo
Reputation: 100
Posts: 268
Quote (Tesla)
Let's hope it stays online longer this time.

Let's hope your statement applies for the WCS, Dodgeball and hopefully the upcoming SRPG servers as well, aye? :P

In all seriousness, keeping all servers populated isn't a thing we can control. Some like the WCS and some like the Minigame, so they'll most likely rush to the servers they enjoy the most.

Back when we had all our servers up I enjoyed the SRPG a lot, even though I spent most of my time on there I did run around between servers to either play or check up on people. (← is a pretty obvious answer to people who have known me for ages, but you know.. just sayin'.)

So.. what we can do the most is to invite people, stay active ourselves eating popsicles and keep the servers updated.
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